
Coworker needs help, not to be fired

So I don't work for this company anymore. It's a small pharmacy that's common in little towns in North eastern America (if you know, you know). I “quit” (BIG quotations there) because I fell ill and HR refused to let me work. My doctor's notes weren't good enough, and eventually they demanded a diagnosis. I got a diagnosis on Halloween of this year, but I originally fell ill early August. I have POTS. My boss requested I resign late August because it was going to take so long. I later checked in, telling her I wouldn't be able to perform some duties (I was a pharmacy clerk. The person who gives you your medicine although I'm confident they broke the law as I also was filling bottles. Our tech is another disaster story of my ex-boss letting her get away with everything). I couldn't stand for long periods (15 minute…

So I don't work for this company anymore. It's a small pharmacy that's common in little towns in North eastern America (if you know, you know). I “quit” (BIG quotations there) because I fell ill and HR refused to let me work. My doctor's notes weren't good enough, and eventually they demanded a diagnosis. I got a diagnosis on Halloween of this year, but I originally fell ill early August. I have POTS.

My boss requested I resign late August because it was going to take so long. I later checked in, telling her I wouldn't be able to perform some duties (I was a pharmacy clerk. The person who gives you your medicine although I'm confident they broke the law as I also was filling bottles. Our tech is another disaster story of my ex-boss letting her get away with everything). I couldn't stand for long periods (15 minute break every hour) and I couldn't be bending over. That was really it for my doctor's note. Nope not good enough out the door, immediately hired someone new.

Now one of my good friends works there because I referred them when I was still working there. They enjoy their job and the pay is nice for an “entry level” (16$/h in NY but not NYC). So this is how I've heard of the gossip.

I'll call her Rose (not my friend, my friend will be J.). Rose was very much like a mom to me in my short time there. She trained me on most things, especially the things I enjoyed. We talked about being sick and disabled (though she won't admit it because capitalism yknow) and being adults (I was 19 at the time but now I'm 20). Rose is older too and has a daughter around my age. It turns out her daughter was raped and the rapist is about to be let out on parole. It has caused Rose serious stress, even leading her to admit she wants to kill herself in front of customers.

Now let's introduce Zoe. Zoe is a gossip girl. Never met her, she was my replacement. According to J she's very bitchy and gossips and pokes into everyone's business. She vocally made it clear she didn't like Rose, and also didn't like something Rose did work-wise (like maybe didn't put things away how she wanted idfk). They got into a very big fight at work, according to J.

J told me last night that my boss offered J full-time (J works 36hrs/week and only gets one day off jfc) but it would mean someone gets fired. J took full time anyway so they can at least get two days off a week. J is confident it'll be Rose, but there's a slim chance it'll be Zoe.

J and I bitched, saying Rose doesn't deserve to be fired when she's clearly in crisis. But of course she's going to be. They won't even give her unpaid leave to sort her shit because why would they??? And so the stress of losing her job makes J and I worry it'll make her even more suicidal. It pisses me off.

I see Rose out sometimes because people have lives and I always mean to say hi but I don't. I do when I see her at the pharmacy though. She really is just a sweet middle-aged (at the least) woman. I just hope everything will get better for her.

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