
Coworker shuts machine down because they don’t want… downtime?

You read that right folks, my coworker has shut the line down because they don't want any downtime. We make bottles and this line normally messes up often. We switched to a bottle that normally runs okay, but today it's crushing bottles once or twice every hour, so I go in and fix the layers. It takes about 5-10 minutes depending how bad it is. He comes up and says he's never seen these bottles get bent before, which I call bs because this isn't the first time it's done this and he knows it happens. I clean up the recent mess and clear the line, no bottles, so I go over and turn the line on seeing that he was on the forklift with material. A few minutes go by and the line goes down again, but this time upstream, so I go to check the hopper and he…

You read that right folks, my coworker has shut the line down because they don't want any downtime. We make bottles and this line normally messes up often. We switched to a bottle that normally runs okay, but today it's crushing bottles once or twice every hour, so I go in and fix the layers. It takes about 5-10 minutes depending how bad it is. He comes up and says he's never seen these bottles get bent before, which I call bs because this isn't the first time it's done this and he knows it happens. I clean up the recent mess and clear the line, no bottles, so I go over and turn the line on seeing that he was on the forklift with material. A few minutes go by and the line goes down again, but this time upstream, so I go to check the hopper and he intercepts me saying he already called maintenance and not to touch anything. Alright, whatever, so I ask him why he doesn't run until maintenance gets here, to which he just says that we're clearly having problems that require maintenance and that the hopper was full anyways. Okay, so then I ask if he wants to run the hopper out so it'll be empty when we start back up, he says “no, I don't want to have downtime.” I just walk away and laugh to myself, so I'm just on my phone till maintenance shows up. Keep in mind, I have over 3 years more experience than them with this side of the machines and he really doesn't know much because he always thinks this side is beneath them took them over 6 months before they begrudgingly learned how to change the roll of straps on this side

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