
Coworkers are so terrible

Besides the shit pay, the rigid/not flexible schedule, lack of adequate vacation time, etc. I think the thing that gets to me the most is the weird and/or shit people I wind up working with at my career job. My first job out of school: my manager was an insecure raging asshole who had constant mood swings and would scream at his staff, our admin was cheating on her husband with our boss and she would start drama amongst the older women at work, and I worked with 2 people in my age bracket who would make jokes about minorities all the time. Our HR lady would cry to me all the time after her beloved son got engaged because he wasn’t marrying a white woman with blue eyes (literally her quote) and i guess she thought it was my job to console her (as the only non white person…

Besides the shit pay, the rigid/not flexible schedule, lack of adequate vacation time, etc. I think the thing that gets to me the most is the weird and/or shit people I wind up working with at my career job.

My first job out of school: my manager was an insecure raging asshole who had constant mood swings and would scream at his staff, our admin was cheating on her husband with our boss and she would start drama amongst the older women at work, and I worked with 2 people in my age bracket who would make jokes about minorities all the time. Our HR lady would cry to me all the time after her beloved son got engaged because he wasn’t marrying a white woman with blue eyes (literally her quote) and i guess she thought it was my job to console her (as the only non white person there)??

My next career job: the people were ok for the most part, except for the guys who would keep hitting on me even though I’d tell them I was in a relationship at the time. It was uncomfortable and I hated going in to work because of it. There was another guy who tried to get a coworker who had cancer to be fired so that he could take over his job. Another man would always give me unsolicited advice on the weirdest shit (like how not to get attacked by alligators if I ever visited Florida).

My current job: there is a girl who always talks herself up which is ok, but she makes everything a competition if anyone else says anything about their own accomplishments or cool stuff they did in their lives. Everyone talks about racial justice but when I filed a case against a coworker who racially harassed me for 1.5 years, no one (including HR) did anything. My manager has trouble controlling his emotions which can be exhausting. A middle aged lady lashes out at younger women because she gets jealous if they are more pretty or successful than her.

Why are there so many weird ass people lol

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