
Coworkers can’t be trusted

No matter what, I’m always doing my best and making sure I’m on time, getting things done and being careful. But I noticed that my coworkers are like plotting some thing just to get me the blame and it is always my fault somehow. Like how I was placing things back in order and putting stuff away that I grabbed. Now the next day I’m getting blamed that my coworker put a thing on my crate, that I did not physically ever touched, when putting my stuff away. And now they all think I’m somehow responsible. And twice when I was holding something heavy and we were all working together to carry it, the next day I get blamed she got hurt because I did something like lower it a bit, I guess they that hear me saying hey my hands are slipping off. Then next time a different coworker…

No matter what, I’m always doing my best and making sure I’m on time, getting things done and being careful. But I noticed that my coworkers are like plotting some thing just to get me the blame and it is always my fault somehow.

Like how I was placing things back in order and putting stuff away that I grabbed. Now the next day I’m getting blamed that my coworker put a thing on my crate, that I did not physically ever touched, when putting my stuff away. And now they all think I’m somehow responsible.

And twice when I was holding something heavy and we were all working together to carry it, the next day I get blamed she got hurt because I did something like lower it a bit, I guess they that hear me saying hey my hands are slipping off.

Then next time a different coworker I ended up trusting we were putting things in order and the names should have matched. Apparently months later we learned all the names that was covered, where all wrong, once the top cover was removed.

All these things I keep aware and focused on, but apparently something always bad happen, like they are trying to purpose make me crazy and I get the blame. Has anyone even had coworkers like this??

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