
Crappy situation with a job decreasing my hours and changing my schedule last minute.

I work for this hotel and yeah, I had an altercation with an employee after searching my phone. I forgot the phone in the back unlocked because guest needed help and I rushed to help the guest. Anyways. They didn't fire me but for some reason x employee who done that gets away with a lot of things. Nothing happened to her, hotel manager said the phone thing is between me and her. I was like whatever. Said employee doesn't show up often and they are fine with it. My other coworkers have complained about that they need to have me on the schedule especially when she doesn't show up. They have been giving me only 1 day until last week. This week they went ahead and gave me 4 days somehow. I was glad actually. And the only reason I haven't quit is because this job pays more than…

I work for this hotel and yeah, I had an altercation with an employee after searching my phone. I forgot the phone in the back unlocked because guest needed help and I rushed to help the guest.

Anyways. They didn't fire me but for some reason x employee who done that gets away with a lot of things. Nothing happened to her, hotel manager said the phone thing is between me and her. I was like whatever. Said employee doesn't show up often and they are fine with it. My other coworkers have complained about that they need to have me on the schedule especially when she doesn't show up.

They have been giving me only 1 day until last week. This week they went ahead and gave me 4 days somehow. I was glad actually. And the only reason I haven't quit is because this job pays more than min wage + some tips. Yeah guess what, I am at work now and looked at the schedule and I see they erased two of my days within 24 hours. Playing around with my hours.

What would you guys do?

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