
Crashed my car and got fired the same week

So I just started a new job about a two months ago after spending 3 years at a job where I was under appreciated, worked to the bone, and harassed by management. From what I could tell everything was going great! That is until this week when we had our first ice/snow storm this year and due to my tires needing to be replaced I lost traction and landed my car in a ditch hitting a sign post in the process. I'm fine but my car had a smashed windshield and destroyed bumper. The first thing I did when I crawled out of the car was call my boss to tell him I wasn't going to make it today. I felt that was an understandable thing to say. I then borrowed my gf's car the next day so she could take my car in to get the windshield fixed so…

So I just started a new job about a two months ago after spending 3 years at a job where I was under appreciated, worked to the bone, and harassed by management. From what I could tell everything was going great!

That is until this week when we had our first ice/snow storm this year and due to my tires needing to be replaced I lost traction and landed my car in a ditch hitting a sign post in the process. I'm fine but my car had a smashed windshield and destroyed bumper. The first thing I did when I crawled out of the car was call my boss to tell him I wasn't going to make it today. I felt that was an understandable thing to say. I then borrowed my gf's car the next day so she could take my car in to get the windshield fixed so I could safely drive to work until I can get everything else fixed. I did ask my boss if it was okay to leave a half hour early the day after the crash so I could go grab my car and make it make it to a repair shop to get a quote before they closed. He said yes.

Now yesterday 2 days after the crash everything was normal until he asked if I had a moment. I then went into the break room in which him (owner/GM) and HR/Co-owner was there waiting (it's a small business). Within 10 seconds I was told this isn't working out and I'm being asked to hand all my stuff over and being handed a termination letter with “not being aligned with company name employee handbook” (no specific section noted) as the termination reason. Something to note is they just updated the handbook the day of the crash in which I signed the day after (wasn't given a copy). I checked later and I saw they actually listed my job online the same day of the crash (but it wouldn't have really raised a red flag tbh because he said he likes to have people lined up as a constant growth employer).

I messaged my coworker since we're neighbors and became friends outside of work that I was fired and he didn't believe me at first. My coworker also told another field worker (I was warehouse/parts runner) of my termination and he was shocked and confused. I didn't receive any written or formal verbal warning about ANYTHING in the two months I worked there.

I'm extremely discombobulated and worried how long it'll be until I get a real paycheck again.

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this I'm not a huge reddit user so I'm not familiar with it all.

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