
Crazy mom at work

So I work at a convenience store and today a lady came in with her three kids and grandkid. Basically, she was super loud and screaming at her kids like she was the only person in the store. She literally was berating her kids the whole time she was there. I had just walked out of the breakroom when i first saw her yelling at her child abt basically nothing(she was just asking a simple question). Later on she got in line to pay and as she was getting in she was yelling at her adult daughter to “get her stupid ass in the line or she'll leave her dumb ass in the store,” and basically kept shouting at her to get in line. The daughter took awhile to be ready to pay and her mom had just barely gotten rang up by a cashier. I was ringing up another…

So I work at a convenience store and today a lady came in with her three kids and grandkid. Basically, she was super loud and screaming at her kids like she was the only person in the store. She literally was berating her kids the whole time she was there. I had just walked out of the breakroom when i first saw her yelling at her child abt basically nothing(she was just asking a simple question). Later on she got in line to pay and as she was getting in she was yelling at her adult daughter to “get her stupid ass in the line or she'll leave her dumb ass in the store,” and basically kept shouting at her to get in line. The daughter took awhile to be ready to pay and her mom had just barely gotten rang up by a cashier. I was ringing up another woman who was telling me how the mother was calling the daughter a “dumb ass bitch.” Honestly the whole situation made me really annoyed because of how little care she had to actually treat her kids like human beings in public. I even looked one of the kids in the eye and could see the pain on their face.

I understand this isn't entirely work related, but r/insaneparents wouldn't let me post this without an attachment to go with it.

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