
Curious to know…

Applying for ish jobs on Indeed. Employer reaches out and invites me to the store to fill out an application in person. To me, this is hella old school and not worth the 30min drive (one way) for a just-above-minimum-wage job. A phone call and a once over of my application on Indeed would suffice, am I being too harsh? Should I give them the benefit of the doubt and take time and money out of my day to travel down there?

Applying for ish jobs on Indeed. Employer reaches out and invites me to the store to fill out an application in person. To me, this is hella old school and not worth the 30min drive (one way) for a just-above-minimum-wage job. A phone call and a once over of my application on Indeed would suffice, am I being too harsh? Should I give them the benefit of the doubt and take time and money out of my day to travel down there?

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