I work as a cloud architect and have been at my current job since January.
Whenever I apply to a job I always select “refuse to disclose”. I received an email from some lady in HR requesting I advise of my ethnicity. I was going to ignore it but, not 24 full hours later she sent me a follow up.
I understand that this could potentially be for their own metrics/reporting but, I don’t care. I don’t feel comfortable disclosing , especially when it came in form an email . It’d be another thing if it came from an HR system or something but not an email typed directly from whatever HR director …
What’s the professional way of saying “I did not advise of my ethnicity when I initially applied and would like to maintain that status” ? Are there any sources I could reference should she reply back trying to strong arm an answer out of me?
For the curious, I’m a non-white biracial individual with an uncommon but not terribly ethnic name.