
Current Employer Named in Class Action Law Suit

I received a letter a few days back that my employer is being sued for violating labor laws in my state. I’m entitled to a large (to me) settlement and after speaking with the plaintiff who no longer works here, everything seems above board. My question is, will there be any grounds for recourse against me by being part of this lawsuit? I’m actively looking for another job right now but don’t want to get fired in the meantime for résumé purposes.

I received a letter a few days back that my employer is being sued for violating labor laws in my state. I’m entitled to a large (to me) settlement and after speaking with the plaintiff who no longer works here, everything seems above board. My question is, will there be any grounds for recourse against me by being part of this lawsuit? I’m actively looking for another job right now but don’t want to get fired in the meantime for résumé purposes.

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