
Customer support except actually helping customers gets you bad score

I'm on a call center 1st line technical support for cellular, copper and fiber services. We follow a system called the “Flow” which is for troubleshooting which we are supposed to follow like you choose out of many options and possibilities relevant to the customers problem for instance you go TV -> TV box -> problem at startup -> error code -> xx_32x -> try xxx protocol -> solved? -> contact expert There are alot of options Problem is you are supposed to depend on this system detecting the issues of the customer but it's very unreliable and wastes your time. Like alot of the time using other tools we are provided i can see the actual problem of the customer like their copper line has been damaged and im supposed to dispatch a welder technician but we are instead to follow the flow which leads to wasting alot of…

I'm on a call center 1st line technical support for cellular, copper and fiber services.

We follow a system called the “Flow” which is for troubleshooting which we are supposed to follow like you choose out of many options and possibilities relevant to the customers problem for instance you go

TV -> TV box -> problem at startup -> error code -> xx_32x -> try xxx protocol -> solved? -> contact expert

There are alot of options

Problem is you are supposed to depend on this system detecting the issues of the customer but it's very unreliable and wastes your time.

Like alot of the time using other tools we are provided i can see the actual problem of the customer like their copper line has been damaged and im supposed to dispatch a welder technician but we are instead to follow the flow which leads to wasting alot of time and poor results,

But that gets you a good grade, promotion and bonus.

Actually helping the customer, spending way less time gets you bad grades and supervisors, crew guides and quality control jump down your ass.

Not to mention they told me that full time there is monthly maximum only 2 weekends where you possible have to work and for part time there is no work at weekends.

But when i was part time i had to work EVERY weekend aswell, not to mention the times were not part time at all sometimes instead of 5 hours it was either 7 hours or 8 hours, they used to give 2 breaks of 15 minutes for 5 hours but now they only give 1 break for 5 hours.

Then you also were supposed to do sales, you had to take screenshots of the confirmation that you did a sale and post it in Microsoft teams, funny thing?

They literally deleted the proof all the sales i made from Microsoft teams and from the PC itself.

After i was promoted to expert, they didn't even give password access to the tools which i had to use to help fellow coworkers with administrative issues, it's literally my position and they didn't give it to me for weeks and still haven't.

Not to mention i never agreed to doing outbound and signed in for inbound technical support but now my schedules are always mixed and dynamic all over the day with Expert, Inbound and Outbound?

Hilarious for being the biggest provider in a certain European country.

The promotion to expert doesn't even give higher pay.

I'm now developing skill to replace my call center job so i can get out of it, it's so mentally draining, every customer is lashing out on you and you have to deal with an incompetent back-end aswell.

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