
Cut as soon as the family could afford it

Hey yall, first time posting but long time lurker. This happened to me (19F) this last week. I worked at a restaurant that just opened about 4 months ago, and all the other cooks were quitting the same week that I started, until it was just me and one other cook, for a restaurant that was open 7 days a week. Now, I was (in the managers own words) the most reliable person they could have asked for. Funny then, that when they started hiring more cooks, a new head chef, etc, that as soon as I asked for my 30-day review over 3 weeks after I would have been working there for that long, they ask to have a meeting with me, and I get fired. Just goes to show that even for a family-owned business of rich assholes, no matter how much extra time, effort, and ideas you…

Hey yall, first time posting but long time lurker. This happened to me (19F) this last week. I worked at a restaurant that just opened about 4 months ago, and all the other cooks were quitting the same week that I started, until it was just me and one other cook, for a restaurant that was open 7 days a week. Now, I was (in the managers own words) the most reliable person they could have asked for. Funny then, that when they started hiring more cooks, a new head chef, etc, that as soon as I asked for my 30-day review over 3 weeks after I would have been working there for that long, they ask to have a meeting with me, and I get fired. Just goes to show that even for a family-owned business of rich assholes, no matter how much extra time, effort, and ideas you put in for them, will cut you off as soon as they can. Their reason was that I “cant keep up with the fast-paced environment”. I made it through the worst rushes of the summer just damn fine, anyone who I actually worked with thought I was doing more than fine. I'm aware that I have a weird, slowish walk but that's never affected anything. As I'm typing this, I realize that whole sentence from them was probably a joke about me being autistic. Idk, I just needed to kinda ramble about this. The other cooks aren't even fully trained in or comfortable handling rushes yet, and I was practicing becoming a middle person, the hardest job to do in the kitchen, after having fully experienced the other 2 positions. I was already putting my applications in other places, but was planning to wait longer for the new people to be fully trained in, not for the benefit of the company, but for their sake of handling the stress of a saturday rush. The same day I got fired, I called a mechanics shop I sent my resume in to, and they guaranteed a call back by monday. From our conversation, my chances are looking pretty good for that. Btw, I live in an at-will state, and the firing meeting couldn't have been recorded, so I'm not really looking for legal advice unless theres some stretch lol. Thank you for reading that far and have a good day!

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