
Cut my hours because I’m slowed down by the workers who rush?!

At my job, I have the position of stocking and cashiering. I recently switched to morning shift, so stocking is a bigger deal. However, I’ve been noticing that some of the others who work my area are clearly rushing and just throwing things out because it’ll be items that expire soonest in the back vs being in the front like they should be, items in wrong spot or crossing over sections, all things that make it harder to do things the right way. In the beginning, I’d try and fix what I could as I came across it. My store manager basically told me speed is more important and instead of him doing his job and checking them, he expects me to tell someone every time I come across a “mess” and threatened disciplinary actions instead of even pretending to look into it. Additionally, he seems stuck on this idea…

At my job, I have the position of stocking and cashiering. I recently switched to morning shift, so stocking is a bigger deal. However, I’ve been noticing that some of the others who work my area are clearly rushing and just throwing things out because it’ll be items that expire soonest in the back vs being in the front like they should be, items in wrong spot or crossing over sections, all things that make it harder to do things the right way. In the beginning, I’d try and fix what I could as I came across it. My store manager basically told me speed is more important and instead of him doing his job and checking them, he expects me to tell someone every time I come across a “mess” and threatened disciplinary actions instead of even pretending to look into it. Additionally, he seems stuck on this idea that I’m the only one ever working that section. False.

As of today, my hours have been cut and I have more experience as far as how fast things should be and who’s doing what incorrectly. I even know that he knows who’s responsible for the mess because they’ll tell him to his face and he’ll carry on about the shift, no fuss. And yet they are still held at a higher standard because they are “working faster”- not that much faster though. Like I said, I’ve seen it now and I’m more caught up. I’m also noticing they aren’t on register so they don’t get pulled away for an hour in the middle of packing out. I also notice, that when this manager in working he’ll schedule me as backup on register, where as anyone else has me further down the line or not on cash register at all so I can focus on the work. Instead, he whines and complains when I get pulled like it’s my fault, like I made the schedule and told him to write it. And again, I’ve not been in this section for days and he brings up that I’m somehow the only one working it. I tell him that there’s items in areas I haven’t worked in weeks/months that have expired since then, and he says I should’ve told someone instead of him doing thorough checks like they are literally supposed to do. Is he incompetent or am I missing something here? I kind of know that jobs care about speed more than actual productivity but I don’t know, it kinda seems like he has it out for me, the way he knows who’s doing wrong yet I’m getting heat for having to multitask and somehow be done at unrealistic times. The ones I’m being compared to only have one thing to focus on. Am I wrong? Where do I go from here

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