
Cutting hours

Hi. I am a cnc machinist. I don't work a weird job like fast food where I go by having my schedule posted every week. I started this job 5 years ago and have had the same schedule the whole time I have worked here. Suddenly my employer is texting me to stay home every night that there is no work for me to do. I am pretty sure he is trying to get me to quit my job. Do I have any options?

Hi. I am a cnc machinist. I don't work a weird job like fast food where I go by having my schedule posted every week. I started this job 5 years ago and have had the same schedule the whole time I have worked here. Suddenly my employer is texting me to stay home every night that there is no work for me to do. I am pretty sure he is trying to get me to quit my job. Do I have any options?

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