
Cynical Manager Trying to Catch Me Off Work Time

I am a unionized hospital worker in critical care, I was sick for two days but was going back to work Friday (today). My manager says I have to be 24 hour symptom free which hasn’t occurred yet so basically she's forcing me to stay home sick due to hospital policy which is fine. The issue is that I had previous plans that were made months ago, to go to a concert last night but I decided not to go due to being sick. My manager knows I was going to go because a coworkers kid was babysitting for me. That coworker must have told our manager that I was going to a concert the same day I was calling in sick to work and would be calling in the next day also due to this return to work policy. My manager accidentally sent me a message saying “we just…

I am a unionized hospital worker in critical care, I was sick for two days but was going back to work Friday (today). My manager says I have to be 24 hour symptom free which hasn’t occurred yet so basically she's forcing me to stay home sick due to hospital policy which is fine.

The issue is that I had previous plans that were made months ago, to go to a concert last night but I decided not to go due to being sick. My manager knows I was going to go because a coworkers kid was babysitting for me. That coworker must have told our manager that I was going to a concert the same day I was calling in sick to work and would be calling in the next day also due to this return to work policy.

My manager accidentally sent me a message saying “we just have to catch him at the concert now” and I know she didn't mean to send me this message. It sounds like she is preplanning to get me in trouble on my own free time for going to a concert when I am calling in sick to work in the day time and the next day also. Is this right? Is this legal? What should I reply to her if anything? She deleted the message and it says deleted message but I read it before she had done that. She doesn’t know that I saw it as I don’t have my read receipts on but she did.

I’m feeling like this is pretty cynical and an invasion of my privacy. In the summer my supervisor was spotted biking along my fence line in my backyard and had absolutely no cause to be there. He didn’t see that I saw him but I did see him peering over my fence on a weekend which seemed stalkerish to me and off putting.

What should I do next? This is causing me anxiety and stress now that my manager has trust issues and is going beyond her duties I believe. I’m thinking I should write a letter to my union addressing this and possibly even taking legal action via statement of claim due to mistreatment at work, invasion of privacy and stalking. I feel like if I don’t make record of this it’ll bite me in the ass later.

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