
Dad called me to tell me he thinks I don’t make enough money.

I have two degrees. One in IT and one in CS. I worked full-time getting the CS degree doing appsdev for state government. It's a lot less than you'd get for the private sector, but they helped pay for school. I graduated with honors. I thought that when I graduated, I would be able to land a higher-paying job since I'd have a degree and a few years of actual relevant experience. That was not the case. I applied for countless jobs, and the only ones I could get interviews for were public sector webdev opportunities that I didn't really want anyway. They pay about half what I was expecting to make as a software dev. Maybe I'm just shit at finding jobs, but the process burnt me out to the point where I ended up moving laterally to a job that stressed me out less to take a mental…

I have two degrees. One in IT and one in CS. I worked full-time getting the CS degree doing appsdev for state government. It's a lot less than you'd get for the private sector, but they helped pay for school. I graduated with honors.

I thought that when I graduated, I would be able to land a higher-paying job since I'd have a degree and a few years of actual relevant experience. That was not the case. I applied for countless jobs, and the only ones I could get interviews for were public sector webdev opportunities that I didn't really want anyway. They pay about half what I was expecting to make as a software dev.

Maybe I'm just shit at finding jobs, but the process burnt me out to the point where I ended up moving laterally to a job that stressed me out less to take a mental break for a year. I was burnt out beyond recognition from too much work with simultaneous school and nothing to show for it at the end. I started that new position in January and I also work a side job to support myself and my partner who has a lifelong disability.

Now, I'm struggling, like many are. I get that. But it just feels so shitty to work so hard and to see nothing come of it at the end of it all. And then to have your dad call you to tell you he thinks you need a better job because you're too poor. Wish I'd thought of that. Thanks for the advice. Haven't been able to get that one out of my head.

Apologies to everyone for being too poor. I'm sorry to anyone that has to worry about me because I don't make enough money. Thank you for your concern.

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