
DAE feel like this can’t just be…it?

I know I probably sound ungrateful. I have a warm bed, roof over my head, and food on the table. I’m able to take 1 or 2 vacations a year with proper budgeting. Like everyone else, money is tight right now but I’m maintaining. I work all week, workout when I can, do some chores and housework on the weekend, try to see friends when I can, rinse, and repeat. So why do I feel like this can’t just be “it”? Why do I feel unsatisfied? Routinely cycle through depression at the monotony. I don’t love my career but it pays my bills. A career change to ‘do what I love’ would be ideal but the career I’m interested in doesn’t pay enough to survive (social work/therapy unless your a psychologist which is a lot of schooling to commit to when I have bills without getting into the debt of…

I know I probably sound ungrateful.

I have a warm bed, roof over my head, and food on the table.

I’m able to take 1 or 2 vacations a year with proper budgeting.

Like everyone else, money is tight right now but I’m maintaining.

I work all week, workout when I can, do some chores and housework on the weekend, try to see friends when I can, rinse, and repeat.

So why do I feel like this can’t just be “it”?

Why do I feel unsatisfied? Routinely cycle through depression at the monotony.

I don’t love my career but it pays my bills. A career change to ‘do what I love’ would be ideal but the career I’m interested in doesn’t pay enough to survive (social work/therapy unless your a psychologist which is a lot of schooling to commit to when I have bills without getting into the debt of student loans).

What the heck is missing from my life that I feel like I can’t keep doing this for the next 30 years?

Can anyone relate?

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