
Day after weed legalized, fired for weed…

Until recently, I worked for an autonomous vehicle company. While out one day last week, monitoring the car while it drove itself, I was rear-ended. Nothing serious, no one hurt, just a small dent in the bumper. But an accident all the same. Which means that I had to call in the incident to the office. Company policy states that if you’re involved in any sort of accident, you need to pass a drug test before you’re allowed to come back to work. Regardless of whether or not you’re at fault! What’s even more stupid, this was in the evening so there was no drug test places open, so they had me take a drug test the next day. Honestly, what bearing is that going to have on my state of being when the accident actually happened? I asked everyone I came across, from management to the drug tester, and…

Until recently, I worked for an autonomous vehicle company. While out one day last week, monitoring the car while it drove itself, I was rear-ended. Nothing serious, no one hurt, just a small dent in the bumper. But an accident all the same. Which means that I had to call in the incident to the office.
Company policy states that if you’re involved in any sort of accident, you need to pass a drug test before you’re allowed to come back to work. Regardless of whether or not you’re at fault! What’s even more stupid, this was in the evening so there was no drug test places open, so they had me take a drug test the next day. Honestly, what bearing is that going to have on my state of being when the accident actually happened? I asked everyone I came across, from management to the drug tester, and no one had an answer.
It should be noted that I live in a state where things like THC seltzers and such have been legal for awhile (you can just buy those in the grocery store), and the legislature recently fully legalized marijuana, taking full affect on Aug. 1. I had one of these seltzers the night before the accident.
I’m sure you see where I’m going with this.
Despite the fact that the accident wasn’t my fault, that I was completely sober at the time, that my on-site management advocated for my job and that I was one of the top AVOs, and that I had consumed an entirely legal THC seltzer on my own time, I received a voicemail from some unnamed corporate person saying that due to the presence of THC in my system that I was fired. And on the day after full-legalization at that.
Apparently I needed a reminder of how disposable I am.

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