
Dealing with difficult boss

I report to 2 different bosses in 2 teams and both tell me to do different things 24/7. I am being pulled in different directions to the point where everything has become very tense. I can’t carry out instructions that directly counteract each other and am just generally in an impossible place. Last week I received many very short and rude messages on Teams (which I have noted) plus a visit to my desk where the boss said “did you even listen to a word I said?!” Apparently I had not correctly interpreted her vague notes. Today I was dragged aside and lectured about MY tone, there was fake crying by her and she also did the whole “you do know you report to ME, right?!” thing. I can see where this is going — I think she is going to go to HR and claim I’m a bully and…

I report to 2 different bosses in 2 teams and both tell me to do different things 24/7. I am being pulled in different directions to the point where everything has become very tense. I can’t carry out instructions that directly counteract each other and am just generally in an impossible place.

Last week I received many very short and rude messages on Teams (which I have noted) plus a visit to my desk where the boss said “did you even listen to a word I said?!” Apparently I had not correctly interpreted her vague notes.

Today I was dragged aside and lectured about MY tone, there was fake crying by her and she also did the whole “you do know you report to ME, right?!” thing. I can see where this is going — I think she is going to go to HR and claim I’m a bully and that my terrible tone and refusal to follow orders is impacting her mental health.

How do I turn this around, because I truly have done nothing wrong other than not follow her orders because I’m getting conflicting orders from the other boss… or do I just quit? I’m so sick of this drama.

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