
Dealing with homophobia and nightmare HR department

Hi all, new to asking advice online but I don't know what to do about this: I work at a community organization, a resource centre with housing, employment, environmental programming, stuff like that. I've been here since the spring, there is only a staff body of about 10. Some past staff members found some tweets by a current staff member and spread them around before they left. These tweets include (in their real name mind you) “being gay is filthy, and wrong” and other incredibly homophobic, bigoted views. His team took this to the main boss, the main boss and HR (it's weird to have HR for such a small staff body, but whatever) basically decided that he would keep his job but would have no contact with his team. So you have a supervisor not supervising his team because they hate how openly homophobic he is. weird workplace. They're…

Hi all, new to asking advice online but I don't know what to do about this:

I work at a community organization, a resource centre with housing, employment, environmental programming, stuff like that. I've been here since the spring, there is only a staff body of about 10.

Some past staff members found some tweets by a current staff member and spread them around before they left. These tweets include (in their real name mind you) “being gay is filthy, and wrong” and other incredibly homophobic, bigoted views.

His team took this to the main boss, the main boss and HR (it's weird to have HR for such a small staff body, but whatever) basically decided that he would keep his job but would have no contact with his team. So you have a supervisor not supervising his team because they hate how openly homophobic he is. weird workplace.

They're gone now, it was a seasonal position, and I'm still here. I am not openly rude to this person but I do not go out of my way to speak with them or engage with them, I answer emails, say thank you when they hold a door, etc etc.

My boss came to me and said that this person feels tense around me and wanted to meet to clear the air. I said I don't think this is a good idea because I find what he said disgusting and wouldn't be able to hide my distain for him in such a setting, and that I try my best to act “normal” around someone so bigoted, especially in a workplace that is supposed to serve the community. I assure you, I haven't gone out of my way to do anything to make this person even believe I have an issue with them, I barely interact with them as we are on different sides of the office.

This person has now written me a letter, outlining some issues with me, saying that I “didn't acknowledge” his presence by the copier, and didn't respond to 4 emails (I looked, that is not true). At the same time he contact the Human Rights Council in our province and has opened a case against me. Our HR department is horrible, I know this is going to get dragged on and on.

I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone. What do I do? I contacted the Human Rights folk too, and let them know what's going on because I don't want to feel so trapped. I hate this. He is the homophobe, and making himself the victim.

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