
Dealing with petty corporate managers as a young person at work

First of all, this is my first ever experience with corporate, so you can imagine how taken aback I am by this frankly terrible culture. But lately it's just been getting on my nerves. My supervisor put me up to a task on this project, which involves a lot of work (she never explained the details and intricacies of the expectations of this task and expected me to just know them, but that's for another day). So today, I put up a query to her, letting her know that it would be nice if everyone in our team could help gather all requirements for this task (since requirements require analysis and I'm not paid enough to analyse, I know where to stop) so I can take those to the client and work with them on it. And just to clarify, this task does require inputs from EVERYONE. But she didn't…

First of all, this is my first ever experience with corporate, so you can imagine how taken aback I am by this frankly terrible culture. But lately it's just been getting on my nerves.

My supervisor put me up to a task on this project, which involves a lot of work (she never explained the details and intricacies of the expectations of this task and expected me to just know them, but that's for another day). So today, I put up a query to her, letting her know that it would be nice if everyone in our team could help gather all requirements for this task (since requirements require analysis and I'm not paid enough to analyse, I know where to stop) so I can take those to the client and work with them on it. And just to clarify, this task does require inputs from EVERYONE. But she didn't like that I even suggested that the team help me with anything related to this task, and expected me to know better than to ask everyone in the team to contribute. We had a lot of back and forth in our internal group, where all i suggested was a little help from everyone so we can work efficiently, but she for some reason took so much offense to that, she added the senior managers to the group and shared the chat history with them?? And the managers didn't seem to side with me, clearly they just wanted me to follow instructions as they're given.

This was all so petty; she couldn't handle a junior trying to suggest something different, she had bring “mom and dad” to try and “discipline” me. Like I would gladly do more work if they'd pay me enough, but they don't, so I don't feel compelled to do anything beyond, which I think is an idea supervisors and managers willingly ignore and therefore continue to hound these expectations on you.

Corporate is so not ready for the great number of young people entering the workforce now, who are truly unafraid I'd say of petty leadership tactics like this. Young people don't have time to deal with this bs, it's so unnecessary and pointless

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