
Dear Antiworkers, today is my last day at a job I hated, I’m entitled to a bonus they still haven’t given me

As the headline says, and for context, I'm in Canada. Also using mobile for this post. Today is my last day on the job. I've been at the company for a year 1 1/2. This is the first time we've ever hit above target and I'm legally entitled to a bonus for the month of July. August too, if we hit. My bonus is $350. There was no written agreement, however there was a verbal discussion during management meetings in the past. These meetings included myself and 6 other managers. In my resignation letter I made a note for a manager to let me know when I would receive my bonus. I still have not heard a word. I physically handed my letter to the Owner and she read it on the spot. I saw her the next day and she said nothing to me. I just found out she…

As the headline says, and for context, I'm in Canada. Also using mobile for this post. Today is my last day on the job. I've been at the company for a year 1 1/2. This is the first time we've ever hit above target and I'm legally entitled to a bonus for the month of July. August too, if we hit.

My bonus is $350. There was no written agreement, however there was a verbal discussion during management meetings in the past. These meetings included myself and 6 other managers. In my resignation letter I made a note for a manager to let me know when I would receive my bonus. I still have not heard a word. I physically handed my letter to the Owner and she read it on the spot. I saw her the next day and she said nothing to me. I just found out she won't be back til Tuesday.

Her daughter, the general manager is in today, I think. They never put themselves on the schedule. I'm going to ask for it as soon as I get in. I have a feeling she may not give it to me today. It should be noted, bonus is in cash.

I also found out about making above target during a staff meeting last week. None of the managers knew, aside from the owner and manager. Another manager quit last week and I'm very sure they didn't give her a bonus. Another manager who was in periodically due to a back issue is afraid to ask for hers. 1 manager asked and received hers, she was made to feel like she had to beg for it. The owner had asked her if she had the bonus plan in writing. Written or verbal, it is still legally binding.

I guess I'm here to get motivation and advice how to go about potentially not receiving my bonus today and how I can make sure the other managers receive their bonuses too.

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