
Debit card surcharges and The Company you work for.

Hello Reddit, I'd like to address some stuff today that has been going on for a few years at most businesses. If your employer has any kind of cash discount or surcharge program, I recommend looking into how it's done. A surcharge is any fee added onto the back end of a transaction that the merchant adds to make up for processing fees they're charged for using a POS (point of sale) system. Regardless of what the charge or program the business if offering. Debit cards are protected under the Durbin Amendment and any of the large companies such as Visa and Mastercard have strict rules the business must follow. It is illegal for a company to add any kind of fee to debit card purchases and therefore they can be fined up to $500 Per transaction that this is done on. If you know your company is doing this…

Hello Reddit,

I'd like to address some stuff today that has been going on for a few years at most businesses. If your employer has any kind of cash discount or surcharge program, I recommend looking into how it's done. A surcharge is any fee added onto the back end of a transaction that the merchant adds to make up for processing fees they're charged for using a POS (point of sale) system. Regardless of what the charge or program the business if offering. Debit cards are protected under the Durbin Amendment and any of the large companies such as Visa and Mastercard have strict rules the business must follow. It is illegal for a company to add any kind of fee to debit card purchases and therefore they can be fined up to $500 Per transaction that this is done on. If you know your company is doing this and would like to report it. Each card provider, such as Visa and Mastercard have online forms you can fill out to have them looked into. If found to be added fees on debit cards or not following all the rules on surcharging, they can have their processing system shut down for non-compliance. Surcharges vary state by state, but the debit card surcharge ban is US wide. I have attached a snip of the most frequent Q&A regarding this discussion and a link to the document for reporting this to Visa. It's time to stop businesses from passing these fees onto the consumer with complete disregard for the law. Let's start hitting them in their pockets.

Example of a surcharge:

1x item 99.99

1x processing fee 3.99 <-- 3.99% surcharge

1x item 7.99

Total 111.97

This was one I recently experienced on a “cash discount” program.

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