
Decent part-time jobs aren’t easy to find

Hi folks, These days while I was trying to look for a job that requires between 20-30 hours a week with a determined schedule, I was surprised to find that there is almost nothing decent you can get. The only 'opportunities' offered, always include mandatory shifting schedules, non-consistent hours, or they require the ability to adjust your life for them on the fly. You also have those that want you to show up for 2-3 hours a day, either that, or some hole filled schedule where you will sit down and wait for the next period a few hours without getting paid. I just want to work barely enough to live. It is my way of saying no to the system's aberrations. The ability to squeeze that time together as much as possible allows me to be at the company as less as possible and enjoy my free time for…

Hi folks,

These days while I was trying to look for a job that requires between 20-30 hours a week with a determined schedule, I was surprised to find that there is almost nothing decent you can get.

The only 'opportunities' offered, always include mandatory shifting schedules, non-consistent hours, or they require the ability to adjust your life for them on the fly.

You also have those that want you to show up for 2-3 hours a day, either that, or some hole filled schedule where you will sit down and wait for the next period a few hours without getting paid.

I just want to work barely enough to live. It is my way of saying no to the system's aberrations.

The ability to squeeze that time together as much as possible allows me to be at the company as less as possible and enjoy my free time for real.

40 hours week + 20 hours commute for most people is really not a life I want to be a part of.

Every time you say in a recruitment that you want to work part-time, they ask if you are a student, have a 2nd job or something to that effect. No m*********** I just don't wanna work that much xD.

So much people cannot wrap their head around that fact, to me it's mind boggling.

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