This was over a decade ago
For funsies I sat for an hour before I was seen at one job interview. I had already gotten a position with my second choice, but I wanted to see what this company was going to offer since it was my first choice.
The whole time I sat there nobody spoke to me, until at the end of that hour a woman walked by, looked at me and jumped a little, went a little pale, and rushed away. Another woman walked over a few minutes later and called me back for my interview.
The interview started as normal, but they got to the weird “Who do you live with” and “If you had three hats and could only wear one, which would it be” kinds of stupid interview questions “progressive” managers like. I asked why they needed to know that after every question. I also asked a LOT of my own interview questions and asked for a tour of the office floor. I asked basic pay, vacation, work/life balance, questions and they couldn't give me an answer.
The interviewers seemed to be at a loss for what to do in response to any of my questions or request.
I finally asked why the original interviewer forgot about me and instead of just fessing up and apologizing sent these two to interview. Interviewer 1 just sat silently and interview 2 said she didn't know what I was talking about. I pointed out that the OG interviewer, the lady who was startled by me, had my resume in her hand and neither of them had a copy, so clearly they were just tossed in to interview me. I also pointed out that both were wearing customer service titles on their badges, not management.
I thanked them for wasting my time, told them I didn't blame them and left to get lunch.
Nobody clapped because this actually happened. My new job started and I told my new manager about the visit and he laughed and said he had had a similar thing happen to him with the exact same company. Good times.