
Decided to forgo putting in a two weeks notice at my current job. Bad idea?

I've been working this position just over two months. It's a sales job, something I've never done before, and it's been a nightmare. The manager is very wheedling and encourages us to be overly manipulative and even untruthful to sell expensive furniture to people. The business is very conservative in many ways and bottom line, I hate it. The entire enterprise is also essentially predicated on exploiting poor people with rapacious finance programs. Anyways, like I said, I've been here a few months and I really haven't got the hang of it, and the managers have made it clear they've noticed. I know that I'm not valued at this company, as I've don't little to show the kind of dedication they expect. So I have a new job I start on Tuesday that hopefully I will be a better fit for. Here's the thing though, I decided for my financial…

I've been working this position just over two months. It's a sales job, something I've never done before, and it's been a nightmare. The manager is very wheedling and encourages us to be overly manipulative and even untruthful to sell expensive furniture to people. The business is very conservative in many ways and bottom line, I hate it. The entire enterprise is also essentially predicated on exploiting poor people with rapacious finance programs. Anyways, like I said, I've been here a few months and I really haven't got the hang of it, and the managers have made it clear they've noticed. I know that I'm not valued at this company, as I've don't little to show the kind of dedication they expect. So I have a new job I start on Tuesday that hopefully I will be a better fit for. Here's the thing though, I decided for my financial safety, not to put in a two weeks notice as I am afraid that they would simply tell me to kick rocks and that would result in my having a gap in paychecks. Is this a reasonable course of action? I'm aware that I will not be getting a good reference from this job, but I'm doubtful that I would even if I did put in my two weeks, because like I said, they don't really think I'm that great of an employee anyways. And once again, I didn't find it worth risking just getting sent home and fired prematurely. Can anyone relate to my predicament?

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