
Decided to retire at 28

After working in “happiest” country in the world aka Finland, I am going back to Slovenia to retire on my future farm. I quit my former work there after I realized it's all on paper, not in reality. It's far from happiest country and half of the population is heavily drinking. Is the pay good? Solid. Overall standard? Solid. But I didn't feel free and they tax the life out of me. Food is beyond expensive and car that costs in US 20k is 35k in Finland. If you can't feel free and have future in country such as Finland, society isn't worth for me. How would I do in Italy then? Not to mention that rent took 30% of my salary. I gave it a good thoughts and decided to give life another, seventh chance. I plan on buying build/agricultular land not very far from city, approximately 5000 -…

After working in “happiest” country in the world aka Finland, I am going back to Slovenia to retire on my future farm. I quit my former work there after I realized it's all on paper, not in reality. It's far from happiest country and half of the population is heavily drinking. Is the pay good? Solid. Overall standard? Solid.
But I didn't feel free and they tax the life out of me. Food is beyond expensive and car that costs in US 20k is 35k in Finland. If you can't feel free and have future in country such as Finland, society isn't worth for me. How would I do in Italy then? Not to mention that rent took 30% of my salary.

I gave it a good thoughts and decided to give life another, seventh chance. I plan on buying build/agricultular land not very far from city, approximately 5000 – 10.000m2 that I can work on it by myself. That way, I can work as much as I feel like, when I feel like and if necessary, pay someone to assist me.
All food, especially organic one have it's minimal buy-out price and I am not living luxurious life. I value freedom more than anything and I can't have one with signed contract as a “medium class” or any class. I want out of class and although that screams communism, I don't want any “ism”. I wanna wake up when my body wants. I want to breathe fresh air and sit on grass for hours with dog running around. I don't have any illusions anymore and I don't even seek relationships after 10 failed ones. Thankfully, I have some savings and when the spring comes, I am going to my “retirement” meadows. I am not antiwork, I am anti-slavery, anti-job and anti-must do. I am not hooked up on that paycheck.

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