
Declined a promotion for your self preservation.

I've been working as a banquet coordinator for a hotel company for over two years, a role I initially enjoyed for its specific responsibilities and challenges. Organizing conferences, parties and weddings was fun. It all went downhill when my company hired a new “Head of Business development”, who would also be my boss. As time went on, I found myself handling tasks that were way above my paygrade. To make matters worse, my manager, who has little understanding of the operational intricacies, continuously piled on responsibilities without a clear understanding of the impact on my workload. It became increasingly frustrating to deal with the disconnect between his decisions and the practical aspects of my job. In short, I consider the manager to be an incompetent idiot. I complained a lot during that time. Recently, I was offered a promotion, which at first glance seemed like a step up. Finally a…

I've been working as a banquet coordinator for a hotel company for over two years, a role I initially enjoyed for its specific responsibilities and challenges. Organizing conferences, parties and weddings was fun.

It all went downhill when my company hired a new “Head of Business development”, who would also be my boss.

As time went on, I found myself handling tasks that were way above my paygrade.

To make matters worse, my manager, who has little understanding of the operational intricacies, continuously piled on responsibilities without a clear understanding of the impact on my workload. It became increasingly frustrating to deal with the disconnect between his decisions and the practical aspects of my job. In short, I consider the manager to be an incompetent idiot. I complained a lot during that time.

Recently, I was offered a promotion, which at first glance seemed like a step up. Finally a reward for all the hard work.

However, call it intuition or perhaps a keen sense of self-preservation, I saw it as a Trojan horse, not a reward. It became evident that the promotion wasn't accompanied by the necessary adjustments in compensation or support to handle the additional responsibilities.

In response, I took matters into my own hands. I requested to be replaced and expressed my desire to return to the front desk where I initially felt more fulfilled and valued. The decision to decline the promotion was liberating, and I can't help but say, “Fuck the promotion.”

I currently work less for the same mediocre salary and contemplating my next step. I still work for the same company, but I plan to move on now.

My cortisol levels are dropping. Getting away from that idiot will only do me good.

I'm sharing this not only to vent but also to open a conversation.

How have you dealt with situations where a promotion seems more like a trap than an opportunity?

Have you ever chosen to prioritize your well-being over a seemingly beneficial career move?

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