So, I have worked for this company for about a year, and I quit because in that year I didn't get a raise (others did but not everyone, really seems they used a random generator to give them out) was told that HR gives out raises and I didn't qualify. People who worked for 3 months got one but A lot of my work friends who where all top of the charts by numbers didn't. So I was upset and found a job that pays almost double what I was making and got the job. They sent me a teams invite to the exit interview and I declined twice. Finally an HR member came down to me and said “We know you are upset but don't know why, and that an exit interview would allow them to make the workplace better for the next person.” Was also told I had to take one or else. So I said sure ill do my interview this Tuesday. Didn't show up to work and was able to move my new job start date up a week so I don't lose anytime.
Like first off you know why I'm upset ( 5 HR people for a company size of about 120 and they use a temp service for all new hires so idk what they do all day), and Like I don't care about the next person honestly I hope you can't find the next person to do my job, no one should ever allow themselves to get bullied by a company who last year make record profits. They where an At Will employer so I was kind of sad when they didn't call me today, I had the line why are you calling me I'm no longer an employee ready to go.
So sorry for the rant but thought y'all would enjoy me being told I had to take an exit interview.