
definition of overtime

disclaimer: English is not my first language, apologize in advance. HR told me that valid overtime records in office are for only 2 hours or more. And if we dont send email to ask for approval, it wont be valid neither. In addition, we dont get paid for overtime, instead we can take a paid leave, 8 hours for a day. Before I find out the 2 hour thing, I sent an email of my overtime, 2 times, 2+1 hours. HR told me 1 hour is not sufficient and she would ignore it when I asked her in message. Not mentioning about proper 2 hours at all. As a result, I dont know what overtime is now, 15 min is sufficient or at least 2 hours?

  • disclaimer: English is not my first language, apologize in advance.

HR told me that valid overtime records in office are for only 2 hours or more. And if we dont send email to ask for approval, it wont be valid neither. In addition, we dont get paid for overtime, instead we can take a paid leave, 8 hours for a day.

Before I find out the 2 hour thing, I sent an email of my overtime, 2 times, 2+1 hours. HR told me 1 hour is not sufficient and she would ignore it when I asked her in message. Not mentioning about proper 2 hours at all.

As a result, I dont know what overtime is now, 15 min is sufficient or at least 2 hours?

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