
Delayed And Damaged Shipments

Just a quick and simple as recently I've seen people complain more about the services that handle their shipments of products from places like good ole wall e world, target, chewy and sam's club. We try our best to repair what we can and still get your stuff to you, despite it being beaten all to hell, as most of us know it's food for the week for your family or that beloved chow your pets enjoy; however, these are borderline never packaged from the company correctly and tend to be boxed against each other with loose caps, busted bags and leaking food. When we get very busy it becomes very time consuming for us to do a full damage report and RTS on your stuff. Some of us will cut down on that time by just coding it as trash, partially in spite of the company for shipping it…

Just a quick and simple as recently I've seen people complain more about the services that handle their shipments of products from places like good ole wall e world, target, chewy and sam's club.

We try our best to repair what we can and still get your stuff to you, despite it being beaten all to hell, as most of us know it's food for the week for your family or that beloved chow your pets enjoy; however, these are borderline never packaged from the company correctly and tend to be boxed against each other with loose caps, busted bags and leaking food. When we get very busy it becomes very time consuming for us to do a full damage report and RTS on your stuff. Some of us will cut down on that time by just coding it as trash, partially in spite of the company for shipping it so poorly and cutting corners in the packaging of fragile items.

Not to mention we also are aware that most of the products will just go back to the company and be trashed all while taking longer for them to send you a new shipment.

We're sorry your stuff gets damaged and doesn't make it to you timely. Were not doing it because we hate you or want you to be hungry, we do it because big ole corpo cuts costs where it matters and delivers poor service to the customers.
It's a spite thing at them, not you. QA teams at shipping companies care about you and your family, we promise.

Side note, I've done some repacks before where the package has floated for weeks in our facility and I tend to write small notes on the inside of the box, or on small papers in the box apologizing for the slow service. It's a love note from us to you, not from the company that shipped it or delivered it. <3

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