
denied a promotion and raise again

ive had it up to here with my job. we’re supposed to get quarterly promotion + raise based on some bullshit career metric they made up, and a merit raise every year. I’ve been there for over a year now and haven’t had either (though i might get the merit one in january if i stay that long.) The only reason they said i didn’t get it this time was because of attendance but i was lied to twice about the attendance policy. The first time was when i started, and my at the time supervisor (now demoted) said you can be up to ten minutes late with no penalty. The actual policy is only five minutes late but in all of our one on ones, up until my 6 months, i was told i had no issues and was doing everything fine. Then i got a new supervisor and…

ive had it up to here with my job. we’re supposed to get quarterly promotion + raise based on some bullshit career metric they made up, and a merit raise every year. I’ve been there for over a year now and haven’t had either (though i might get the merit one in january if i stay that long.) The only reason they said i didn’t get it this time was because of attendance but i was lied to twice about the attendance policy.

The first time was when i started, and my at the time supervisor (now demoted) said you can be up to ten minutes late with no penalty. The actual policy is only five minutes late but in all of our one on ones, up until my 6 months, i was told i had no issues and was doing everything fine. Then i got a new supervisor and was told the only reason i wasnt being fired was because there was no documentation of anyone talking to me about this yet, and they had no idea i had been lied to along with several other people at my job. But it still meant every time i was over five minutes late, it had counted against me for 6 whole months. and a lot of the time i was there on time, i just hadnt clocked in yet because i was buying a drink and thought i had those ten minutes to spare.

Then the second time I learned last night. I was told in my 6 month that a new attendance policy was being put in place in july, and just had to not call out until then and all my instances would be dropped against me. great so i did that. and from july to now i still only called out twice, over a month apart, and was never late a single night. Well apparently all my instances were never dropped, and those two callouts were enough for them to deny me another raise, despite the fact that i either meet or exceed all the other requirements. I felt so fucking stupid sitting there with them telling me not to be discouraged and that im sooo important to the team but they just cant give me the raise this time again. and to make it worse they said something like i might not even be able to call out until april now? but they didnt even know the attendance policy fully and couldnt tell me for sure

im one of two full time people in a department that should have three, and im constantly getting pulled to help out in another department because as of very recently, im now one of the only two people that can fully run their machines and they wont allocate time for me to train anyone else. so many people are quitting and theyre trying to fire more when we’re already bare bones staffed, and are only hiring temps that quit after the first week. my managers even call out more than me. and to top it off, they want most of us to move to dayshift, but wont compensate the $3 shift differential for doing so, even though it will be the same amount of work

i feel like im killing myself at this job. its in my field and im getting necessary experience for my career, and i like that i just do my work and leave, no customers involved, but working nights in such an immature environment is killing my social life and sleep and im not even being compensated for it. worst part is i know if i quit that theyll struggle so much worse. i dont give a shit about the company or managers but i feel for some of my coworkers and the one other person in my department that im very close with

sorry this is long as fuck i just needed to vent to a group thatd get it

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