
Denied Promotion on Merit only to have union step in and facilitate promotion on time.. oh.. and all those things I did to achieve merit.. you can kiss those good-bye!

This one's a little “malicious compliancey” but I figured ot was better suited here as there really isn't a compliance aspect. I work for a local government. I was promted into a position, but before the promotion went through.. upper management wanted to setup a meet n greet. About an hour before the meeting I was given the heads up to treat the meet next greet as an interview.. which I was prepared to do anyway.. but the warning was kind of cryptic. Anyway.. I went into the meet n greet / post selection interview putting my best foot forward. The meeting quickly turned into a an unfettered grilling of me and my intentions, for reasons I had no idea of at the time. Later I found out upper management had a certain person in mind for the job who wandt me, that their selection was undermined by my coworkers,…

This one's a little “malicious compliancey” but I figured ot was better suited here as there really isn't a compliance aspect.

I work for a local government. I was promted into a position, but before the promotion went through.. upper management wanted to setup a meet n greet.

About an hour before the meeting I was given the heads up to treat the meet next greet as an interview.. which I was prepared to do anyway.. but the warning was kind of cryptic.

Anyway.. I went into the meet n greet / post selection interview putting my best foot forward.
The meeting quickly turned into a an unfettered grilling of me and my intentions, for reasons I had no idea of at the time. Later I found out upper management had a certain person in mind for the job who wandt me, that their selection was undermined by my coworkers, and that they were actively taking it out on me and havnt stopped.

Afterward.. I considered not accepting the promotion.. but I had already been selected and the ink was pretty much dry.. and i was urged by my new coworkers to let the bad meeting go.

Within days of my arrival.. the hostility had clearly made its way from upper management to middle. There was nothing I could do right, no amount of work I could do that was enough, I wasn't setup with the equipment and tools I needed to do my job and if I asked for them I was a “complainer” and if I didn't ask for them I was “unmotivated l” and “disinterested”.

Because of the good benefits the job offers, I stuck with it for years.. despite it never really getting better. Mind you, I was still doing more work than my coworkers, more grunt work, more paperwork, and had more responsibilities and more that could go wrong but wasn't because I was working my ass off.

Well, after a certain amount of years.. my coworkers were each promoted 1 level up with title and pay raise, and I had now hit that number myself.

I walked into my bosses office, and politely asked about mypromotion.
He promptly made up some bs about my numbers.. of course not that they were low.. as I was still doing more work than anyone else.. but that they wernt being entered as quick as the other coworkers.
I explained that that was ridiculous as I had the lions share of the field work compared to my coworkers and that it was an unreasonable comparison.
He told me I could easily enter my numbers via smart phone.. you know the service numbers that require pages of explaining to boot.

I was in a little of a catch 22.. if I got pissed eight then and there and unloaded my responsibilities..
I would have no hope of a promotion.. but it also seemed like I wouldn't be getting it by continuing to work hard either.

About a month after the conversation.. the union amended our contract to include a provision that my category would be automatically protlmoted based on time. No merit requirement. The catch was that the clock started from the new contract not from when i started.

I asked one more time for the promtion and was denied again.. i then promptly began the process of unloading all of my responsibilities to the the higher postions.. I now pass everything off to the higher ups.. I literally do next to nothing.. and very soon now.. I will be promoted.
So much for for hard work being the key to success.
Oh.. and while I should be carrying over my responsibilities from my lower postion to the higher postion.. it seems I'll have unloaded everything before I get there.

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