
Dental insurance in the US is a joke

We just had our annual insurance meeting at work for open enrollment of 2024 and was told by our provider that most dentists have pulled out of accepting insurance. That means most anywhere I go, it will be out of network. I have two plans to choose from. One covers about 50% of the cost out of network and the other they didn't say, but it's in the 90th percentile of covering the most for out of network. Please tell me again how the US health system is better than universal healthcare. Sure I'd have to wait to go see a dentist, but as it stands I don't go unless it's absolutely necessary (like a cracked tooth), so I'd rather wait and be seen eventually.

We just had our annual insurance meeting at work for open enrollment of 2024 and was told by our provider that most dentists have pulled out of accepting insurance. That means most anywhere I go, it will be out of network. I have two plans to choose from. One covers about 50% of the cost out of network and the other they didn't say, but it's in the 90th percentile of covering the most for out of network.

Please tell me again how the US health system is better than universal healthcare. Sure I'd have to wait to go see a dentist, but as it stands I don't go unless it's absolutely necessary (like a cracked tooth), so I'd rather wait and be seen eventually.

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