
Despite a recession, I still know millennials and zoomers who are doing just fine. Is it just too late right now?

I feel I'm stuck in an experience loop, where jobs I apply require more experience than what I have, and I can't get experience because I can't find a job that provides them. I am in grad school, but I feel that my opportunity is stunted since I work full time. My gripe is what I couldn't do in the past. I did community college, and worked through it, and once I transferred to a four year, I had to work to pay my rent and expenses. So I could not do the unpaid work, internships or the trips to the US capitol that later created opportunities. I've seen 4 year grads find 60k+/yr jobs and job hop like nothing, and I know they came from affluence, despite how diverse or 'low income' they claim to be. I'm stuck with the opportunities my immediate town can provide and lack the…

I feel I'm stuck in an experience loop, where jobs I apply require more experience than what I have, and I can't get experience because I can't find a job that provides them. I am in grad school, but I feel that my opportunity is stunted since I work full time.

My gripe is what I couldn't do in the past. I did community college, and worked through it, and once I transferred to a four year, I had to work to pay my rent and expenses. So I could not do the unpaid work, internships or the trips to the US capitol that later created opportunities.

I've seen 4 year grads find 60k+/yr jobs and job hop like nothing, and I know they came from affluence, despite how diverse or 'low income' they claim to be. I'm stuck with the opportunities my immediate town can provide and lack the surplus income to make a large move, and I don't have the social capital from 4 in college since since I did a quick 2 years while working.

I know I'm not the only one and comparing is just defeatist, but goddamn it just seems these advantages were never in my hand to begin with.

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