
Did you know lying to unemployment is illegal? My ex boss didn’t!

I worked with my girlfriend at a small company. On October 27th we texted the work group chat that we can't come in because our baby is sick. On the 30th we texted the group chat again saying we're sick and can't come in. On the 31st we got a phone call saying we're fired. lol The president then sent me through his personal whatsapp our termination papers that bare his signature clearly claiming we are “Fired with out cause” Of course we just filed for unemployment that same morning. Right after I applied for unemployment I got a call out of the blue from a company that wanted to hire me. Next day I had a job. So when unemployment called me I just ignored the call. My girlfriend is still looking for work. That's how I know her unemployment is under investigation instead of denied or approved. She…

I worked with my girlfriend at a small company. On October 27th we texted the work group chat that we can't come in because our baby is sick.

On the 30th we texted the group chat again saying we're sick and can't come in.

On the 31st we got a phone call saying we're fired. lol The president then sent me through his personal whatsapp our termination papers that bare his signature clearly claiming we are “Fired with out cause”

Of course we just filed for unemployment that same morning. Right after I applied for unemployment I got a call out of the blue from a company that wanted to hire me. Next day I had a job. So when unemployment called me I just ignored the call.

My girlfriend is still looking for work. That's how I know her unemployment is under investigation instead of denied or approved. She certified last week and we got a letter saying she''s still under review.

Today I got my unemployment denial letter. I figured I was denied since I didn't answer the phone call but no! My ex boss lied to a government agency. My letter says I was fired for misconduct. That's not what my discharge papers list at all and I still have the chats on my phone to prove it.

According to this letter I “Failed to report” on the two days I called off and it was for “Unknown reason”. Mind you I still have the group chat on my phone. Yes I was removed but the chat is there where they all acknowledge that I called off!

On top of that I also have paperwork signed by the president himself and then sent over by the president on his own personal what's app showing I'm fired with out cause.

And he's probably telling the unemployment office the same thing about my girlfriend.

And guess what? There's a hotline to report unemployment fraud!

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