
Didn’t get the raise I was expecting so I’m gonna call in sick tomorrow

Got hired at a lower rate than I asked for but was told they would “reevaluate after a few months depending on my work ethic and skill set in order to keep me around”. Ive been busting my ass, putting in the effort and advancing my skill set but I was told it’s just not in the budget and my pay is right where it should be based off my skills. Well I guess they don’t wanna “keep me around” I’ll be calling in sick tomorrow and applying for new jobs!

Got hired at a lower rate than I asked for but was told they would “reevaluate after a few months depending on my work ethic and skill set in order to keep me around”. Ive been busting my ass, putting in the effort and advancing my skill set but I was told it’s just not in the budget and my pay is right where it should be based off my skills. Well I guess they don’t wanna “keep me around” I’ll be calling in sick tomorrow and applying for new jobs!

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