
Differential treatment of interns by company owner – is this cause for concern?

I've been an intern at this company for about three months, and the owner took the time to greet me when I joined. Recently, two more interns came on board. The first, an immigrant, has been with us for a month but hasn't received any welcome or introduction from the owner. The second, who was born in this country, was greeted by the owner on her second day – just like I was. I spoke with the immigrant intern, and he mentioned that his only interaction has been with the manager – the owner hasn't even sent him a welcome message on Slack. I'm curious about your thoughts: Is this something that should be looked into? Have you experienced similar situations? Am I overreacting?

I've been an intern at this company for about three months, and the owner took the time to greet me when I joined. Recently, two more interns came on board. The first, an immigrant, has been with us for a month but hasn't received any welcome or introduction from the owner. The second, who was born in this country, was greeted by the owner on her second day – just like I was.

I spoke with the immigrant intern, and he mentioned that his only interaction has been with the manager – the owner hasn't even sent him a welcome message on Slack.

I'm curious about your thoughts:

  1. Is this something that should be looked into?
  2. Have you experienced similar situations?
  3. Am I overreacting?

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