
Dilemma with hours (UK)

So I realised just now that I have been shifted for 12pm until 10am the next day by accident, instead of 10pm that evening. It includes the extra hours plus night pay. Unfortunately my two other coworkers have also had this done to them. This is unfortunate as they would likely tell a manager of this mistake. So do I ride this wave and see if I can get some extra money or do I offer up the information with the idea that it won’t go very far and they might appreciate me telling the truth.

So I realised just now that I have been shifted for 12pm until 10am the next day by accident, instead of 10pm that evening. It includes the extra hours plus night pay.

Unfortunately my two other coworkers have also had this done to them. This is unfortunate as they would likely tell a manager of this mistake.

So do I ride this wave and see if I can get some extra money or do I offer up the information with the idea that it won’t go very far and they might appreciate me telling the truth.

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