
Disciplined for using approved time off

Hi, everyone. I had the most annoying thing happen at work today. Two weeks ago I had requested to take an hour lunch on 6/6, instead of a half hour, so I could interview for grad school. For clarification, I work on a huge team, so I have two direct managers. Only one of those managers was available when I requested this time (all time off requests are on paper for my agency). He said it was kind of short notice, but looked at the time off book and said it will be fine, and he'll make it work, seeing as it's only an extra half hour.. I clocked out for the interview and didn't hear anything about the extra time at all yesterday. Then today I was pulled into the office first thing and asked to sign a write up for taking an extended lunch. Both managers were present.…

Hi, everyone. I had the most annoying thing happen at work today. Two weeks ago I had requested to take an hour lunch on 6/6, instead of a half hour, so I could interview for grad school. For clarification, I work on a huge team, so I have two direct managers.

Only one of those managers was available when I requested this time (all time off requests are on paper for my agency). He said it was kind of short notice, but looked at the time off book and said it will be fine, and he'll make it work, seeing as it's only an extra half hour..

I clocked out for the interview and didn't hear anything about the extra time at all yesterday. Then today I was pulled into the office first thing and asked to sign a write up for taking an extended lunch. Both managers were present. I said I'm not signing that because it was approved. The manager who approved it confirmed this.

This led to a huge freak out from the manager who was not present before because she hadnt realized he approved it and apparently didn't think ask him. She literally screamed at me because I didn't go to her and let her know this was happening. This is not a policy, nor has it ever been. One managers approval is supposed to be sufficient. The one who approved the time didn't say a thing, just sat there looking like a sad puppy while she yelled.

I did not sign the write up, but I have to say I am ridiculously annoyed. Their lack of communication should not be my problem. And it was half an hour! My goodness, half an hour should not warrant screaming at someone.

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