
Disciplined For Voicing Concerns

My company has been undergoing a lot of changes lately “for the better” but ultimately it is leaving my team to suffer the most. A lot of my fellow members come to be and state how they are not seeing any sort of improvement and are actively looking to leave soon if nothing is done. I, wanting to help called the group and asked “Would anyone be uncomfortable with me sending an email to leadership explaining that the team (no names, just the team in general) is reaching the breaking point and something needs to give or we need help” Majority agreed and thanked me. I said if even one person isn’t okay with it, I won’t do it. Well two people came and said it made them uncomfortable. So I messaged them and said “due to some concerns raised, I will not be sending the email. I will revisit…

My company has been undergoing a lot of changes lately “for the better” but ultimately it is leaving my team to suffer the most. A lot of my fellow members come to be and state how they are not seeing any sort of improvement and are actively looking to leave soon if nothing is done.

I, wanting to help called the group and asked “Would anyone be uncomfortable with me sending an email to leadership explaining that the team (no names, just the team in general) is reaching the breaking point and something needs to give or we need help” Majority agreed and thanked me. I said if even one person isn’t okay with it, I won’t do it.
Well two people came and said it made them uncomfortable. So I messaged them and said “due to some concerns raised, I will not be sending the email. I will revisit next year if nothing has truly changed.”

My boss called me this morning saying there is disciplinary actions being worked on as what I did was insubordination. I was clearly rallying the troops to cause trouble and it will not be accepted.

Not going to lie, I broke down. I can understand how it might look bad but 1-they didn’t even come talk to me about it. 2-idk how they found out bc I DID NOT send anything?! And 3-I didn’t do anything but have a talk with my fellow coworkers about their concerns!

How are they going to see that we are genuinely at the end of our rope, and go straight to “probation and further analysis of this incident”
Idk maybe just maybe see that there are issues not being addressed and take a little more care of your employees…?

I’m so sick of this

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