
Disney World is often hailed as the most magical place on Earth, but my experience paints a different picture.

Disney World is often hailed as the most magical place on Earth, but my experience paints a different picture. In fact, I would argue that it is one of the most hellish workplaces on the planet. I was once a custodian at Disney. Initially, the job was tolerable. I enjoyed free park access and had a good rapport with my coworkers, some of whom remain my friends to this day. However, after some time, I needed an additional income and took up a part-time job with a competitor nearby. This decision was not well-received by some of my coworkers and coordinators (shift managers), who subsequently filed a false report against me, alleging that I had thrown something at a coworker. This incident never occurred; I simply dropped said item. In response to this false accusation, I handed in my two-week notice, intending to return to the company later but in…

Disney World is often hailed as the most magical place on Earth, but my experience paints a different picture. In fact, I would argue that it is one of the most hellish workplaces on the planet.

I was once a custodian at Disney. Initially, the job was tolerable. I enjoyed free park access and had a good rapport with my coworkers, some of whom remain my friends to this day. However, after some time, I needed an additional income and took up a part-time job with a competitor nearby. This decision was not well-received by some of my coworkers and coordinators (shift managers), who subsequently filed a false report against me, alleging that I had thrown something at a coworker. This incident never occurred; I simply dropped said item.

In response to this false accusation, I handed in my two-week notice, intending to return to the company later but in a different department. I was enjoying my time at the competitor's company and did not want to engage in the ensuing drama. During my final week at Disney, a new employee, whom I'll refer to as Emily, was hired. For reasons unknown to me, Emily took an immediate dislike to me. I chose to ignore her and minimized our interactions. However, Emily quickly befriended one of the coordinators who had falsely reported me.

Fast forward nine months, I had to leave the competitor's company for reasons unrelated to this story. I secured a job at a third-party store at Disney. Emily, her friends, and one of my former managers were displeased with this. Around the same time, I began experiencing a mental health crisis, which they seemed to notice. Whether my behavior tipped them off or someone informed them, I cannot say.

One of them even went as far as to visit my workplace and falsely label me as an aggressive individual to my coworkers. I reported this incident to Disney HR and my former and current managers, but my efforts were in vain. I received no response from HR, and my store manager threatened to terminate my employment over the incident.

This marked the beginning of escalated harassment. Emily and her friends began to taunt me, alternating between exaggerated smiles and frowns, seemingly to unsettle me during a period of severe depression and paranoia. One of my former managers, whom I'll call Abby, also joined in. Abby had never been fond of me and had subtly bullied me during my tenure as a custodian. She would walk past me, pretending to report me to security or the police on her work phone. She would also wait for me in backstage areas, staring at me with crossed arms.

During this time, Emily spread rumors among my former coworkers that I was suicidal. She even bragged to my best friend about my supposed impending suicide. Eventually, my coworkers at the store joined in on the harassment, pretending to take pictures of me and making false phone calls about me. This relentless bullying led me to trying to cut my thigh with a razor. Fortunately, I was unsuccessful and left the company shortly thereafter.

This ordeal occurred approximately 18 months ago, and I am only now sharing my story due to fear of further retaliation. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD as a result of these traumatic experiences, and I can no longer keep silent, even if it risks retaliation for sharing my story.

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