
Disputing Overpayment?

Former employer sent me an invoice billing me for my entire paycheck in April, claiming they overpaid me. When I asked about it I was told they are billing my April paycheck as overpayment to make up for an overpayment that occurred in October of last year. I’m no longer an employee, and in Michigan an employer only has 6 months from overpayment to make deductions to an employee’s wages (and has to notify them 1 pay period before they do so), and these deductions can’t be more than 15% of gross pay (they’re billing my entire month’s pay). They’re backdating, but whether they’re claiming overpayment in October 2022 or April 2023 their 6-month window has passed and I’m not even an employee any more. How valid is their invoice and can I successfully dispute it?

Former employer sent me an invoice billing me for my entire paycheck in April, claiming they overpaid me. When I asked about it I was told they are billing my April paycheck as overpayment to make up for an overpayment that occurred in October of last year. I’m no longer an employee, and in Michigan an employer only has 6 months from overpayment to make deductions to an employee’s wages (and has to notify them 1 pay period before they do so), and these deductions can’t be more than 15% of gross pay (they’re billing my entire month’s pay). They’re backdating, but whether they’re claiming overpayment in October 2022 or April 2023 their 6-month window has passed and I’m not even an employee any more. How valid is their invoice and can I successfully dispute it?

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