
Do any of you actually not work?

I'm a new mom watching my pathetically short parental leave clock tick away (while recognizing the privilege in having any parental leave at all) and finding it really hard to give any fucks about returning to work. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how not to. I just need about 4k/month to cover all household expenses and bills. That's all. Anyone know where that's lying around so I can just take care of my baby all day? Genuinely curious how others have built a work-free life. Thanks!

I'm a new mom watching my pathetically short parental leave clock tick away (while recognizing the privilege in having any parental leave at all) and finding it really hard to give any fucks about returning to work. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how not to. I just need about 4k/month to cover all household expenses and bills. That's all. Anyone know where that's lying around so I can just take care of my baby all day? Genuinely curious how others have built a work-free life. Thanks!

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