
Do I have a case mental health discrimination /harrasment?

I have been working through a agency for this company since April, their communication and organizational skills has always been terrible. I am in the UK. My team leader at the time advised when I started the role that it was very flexible and we can work from home when we don't have face-to-face appointments. He also said the time we get in the office is flexible. This is something the whole team followed (permanent staff members). We then had a new team leader who was a micromanager. I worked from home the one day and he called me and said I should of gained authorisation. I said I understand why however this has never been clear. Bearing in mind the new team leader use to be on the same level as us and did the same (working from home when they want and not gaining authorisation). I think this…

I have been working through a agency for this company since April, their communication and organizational skills has always been terrible. I am in the UK.

My team leader at the time advised when I started the role that it was very flexible and we can work from home when we don't have face-to-face appointments. He also said the time we get in the office is flexible. This is something the whole team followed (permanent staff members).

We then had a new team leader who was a micromanager. I worked from home the one day and he called me and said I should of gained authorisation. I said I understand why however this has never been clear. Bearing in mind the new team leader use to be on the same level as us and did the same (working from home when they want and not gaining authorisation). I think this is when they started to have it in for me.

They advised I cannot work from home no longer so I disclosed I had mental health issues and working from home helps. I just went in the office from then on to keep the peace even when other staff members were continuing to work from home.

Fast forward a couple of weeks I arrived later than 9:00am to the office and my team leader was there he didn't confront me. The next day I get a call from a colleague who informed me that my manager has asked them to basically report to them when I arrive at work. I then called him up and asked him why he did this and he said I was late yesterday and I didn't even say sorry. I said I didn't know I was late as I was told start time is flexible. He also arrives after 9:00 to the office sometimes even at 10:00am as did the whole team. He booked a supervision and I explained on my supervision sheet that I dread coming into work, it's making my mental health decline and I feel like I'm being watched. This was not addressed.

After this my mental health declined and I had days off here and there because I couldn't take the toxic environment. I even self-harmed because of the way they treated me.

I then was off for a week with the flu and on my return I get a WhatsApp message asking to go see him and the head of the department. No context of the meeting was given so I assumed it was a back to work. I was wrong they basically attacked me. Saying my timekeeping and days off are not working for them, I am disrespectful because I didn't say sorry to my manager for being late, they pay loads for me and they expect more from me because I am agrncy. A permant position was going for the role I was in and they said they don't even know if they want to interview me. I had a breakdown in the meeting and they didn't seem to care.

They gave me until the following day to tell them if I wanted to continue working there.

I emailed saying that I want to interview for the role and they scheduled it 2 days later. I had a mental breakdown Infront of my colleugues because of the stress they put me under and had to reschedule. I then went for the interview the following day and it went well but I didn't get the position because other people scored higher than me. Bearing in mind I have been doing the job since April, I do most of the work and my performance was never affected. The team thought they were going to be screwed without me.

They gave me a week notice and then I left the role. After processing all this I feel traumatised the way they treated me. I feel like I was treated different because of my mental health and the fact I am on agency. Do I potentially have a case for tribunal? As this is not the first time this has happend and I want to take action.

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