
Do I have a right to be over my job?

Let me start out by saying I know the current workforce is shit and everyone is affected. I’ve currently been with my current employer for a little over 15 years and have only missed 3 unscheduled days off in that time, once when I pulled a muscle in my back at home in which I missed a day the went back to work, twice when my mom died last year in which I went to work the same day then took to days bereavement to get her affairs in order. I’ve currently been a department head for 11 years and my currently job location, store management, and department employees are less to be desire. My employees call out all the time and come in late regularly and will not work more than they have too. I consider myself a fair boss and give everyone a set schedule to plan accordingly…

Let me start out by saying I know the current workforce is shit and everyone is affected. I’ve currently been with my current employer for a little over 15 years and have only missed 3 unscheduled days off in that time, once when I pulled a muscle in my back at home in which I missed a day the went back to work, twice when my mom died last year in which I went to work the same day then took to days bereavement to get her affairs in order. I’ve currently been a department head for 11 years and my currently job location, store management, and department employees are less to be desire. My employees call out all the time and come in late regularly and will not work more than they have too. I consider myself a fair boss and give everyone a set schedule to plan accordingly outside of work and also I give them nearly any day they request off. Myself on the other hand have to get my time off approved by 4 different people and if one says no then I’m fucked. I currently get 4 weeks holiday/vacations a week and for the 4 year in a row I’ve had to put them off until the last of my work year before I lose them. This also makes the 8 year in a row I’ve had to extend at least a week of vacation days. I’m currently on my last vacation days before I loose them and have been called 6 times and texted several time about coming in because my employees are “sick” or just didn’t want to come in. I’m seriously bored and over getting screwed out of taking my earned time off, what would be a way to convey this message? Should I quit this job or step down or ask for a transfer? Do I even have a right ti feel this way or does it come with the territory? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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