
do not accept random gifts/bribes from managers that are usually mean or rude

my work recently hired an ASM outside of the company. don’t want to get into the details about the job, but she’s terrible at what we do. three months in and has never accomplished anything by herself, she’s unnecessarily loud just to be loud, mean, and solves her problems by creating new problems but for other people to deal with. anyway, she’s always rude to everyone but sometimes randomly brings someone either McDonald’s, or coffee, or just random shit she didn’t finish eating. ive watched my coworkers accept these things and she’ll come back 5 minutes after and task them on something she’s supposed to be dealing with herself as her ASM title suggests, and when they decline or explain they don’t know how she brings up the fact she gave them “free” food, and tries to make them feel like shit for accepting what they thought was a gift.…

my work recently hired an ASM outside of the company. don’t want to get into the details about the job, but she’s terrible at what we do. three months in and has never accomplished anything by herself, she’s unnecessarily loud just to be loud, mean, and solves her problems by creating new problems but for other people to deal with. anyway, she’s always rude to everyone but sometimes randomly brings someone either McDonald’s, or coffee, or just random shit she didn’t finish eating. ive watched my coworkers accept these things and she’ll come back 5 minutes after and task them on something she’s supposed to be dealing with herself as her ASM title suggests, and when they decline or explain they don’t know how she brings up the fact she gave them “free” food, and tries to make them feel like shit for accepting what they thought was a gift.

this is totally subjective ofc, if u have a normal relationship with ur coworkers/manager there’s obviously nothing wrong with this. however if someone that’s normally a pos is offering u anything, they’re probably working an angle and want something in return

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