
Do Online Assessments even do anything?

As I sit here trying to find the opposite of x word and identifying y mathematical answer and then, of course, selecting z picture that corresponds with the pattern above it, I find myself wondering, do these online assessments actually have a point or a reason? Do HR/recruiters even look at them? Do they care if you can do basic math or you know the antonym of “Empathetic” or whatever? Same with the “Strongly Disagree – Strongly Agree” ones, where you have to make yourself sound like you are the most perfectest employee ever. Do employers really hire someone who answered “I try to be the best at everything I do” with Strongly Agree over someone who put Agree? Or are they just there because they know a good percentage of people will see that shit and NOPE right back out of the hiring process so it's like, weeding out…

As I sit here trying to find the opposite of x word and identifying y mathematical answer and then, of course, selecting z picture that corresponds with the pattern above it, I find myself wondering, do these online assessments actually have a point or a reason? Do HR/recruiters even look at them? Do they care if you can do basic math or you know the antonym of “Empathetic” or whatever?

Same with the “Strongly Disagree – Strongly Agree” ones, where you have to make yourself sound like you are the most perfectest employee ever. Do employers really hire someone who answered “I try to be the best at everything I do” with Strongly Agree over someone who put Agree?

Or are they just there because they know a good percentage of people will see that shit and NOPE right back out of the hiring process so it's like, weeding out the weak?

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