
Do places actually hire people anymore, or is this all some sick, elaborate joke?

Just moved across the country and spent the bulk of my savings because I was of the delusion that with 5+ yrs customer service experience, cash handling experience, retail experience, food service experience, supervisory experience, AND complete open availability, I’d be able to land a job fairly easily. And I’m talking basic retail or food service jobs—I’m not applying for anything that requires a degree or that I’m wildly unqualified for. I’m not even trying to be a manager/supervisor despite having that experience on my resume. I can’t get hired in an entry-level position at seemingly any of the ~20 places I’ve applied to, and all I have to show for it is exactly one five-minute phone interview (which, as you can probably figure, elected not to hire me). Is this some kind of sick joke? No matter how clean my resume is, how composed my cover letters are, how…

Just moved across the country and spent the bulk of my savings because I was of the delusion that with 5+ yrs customer service experience, cash handling experience, retail experience, food service experience, supervisory experience, AND complete open availability, I’d be able to land a job fairly easily. And I’m talking basic retail or food service jobs—I’m not applying for anything that requires a degree or that I’m wildly unqualified for. I’m not even trying to be a manager/supervisor despite having that experience on my resume. I can’t get hired in an entry-level position at seemingly any of the ~20 places I’ve applied to, and all I have to show for it is exactly one five-minute phone interview (which, as you can probably figure, elected not to hire me).

Is this some kind of sick joke? No matter how clean my resume is, how composed my cover letters are, how polite I am, I can’t even get an email saying “sorry, the position has been filled”. It isn’t like I can go fuck off to Europe, because again, I spent all my money coming out here—and I like it here, outside of the job market! If I had the means to, I’d just enroll in school at this point, since the only thing I ostensibly lack is a degree, but I don’t have the means to pay my bills while in school, nor does my family.

I don’t know what I hope to gain by posting this. I feel like I’m beyond advice. I just needed to vent, because I can barely take this anymore.

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