

Everyone on this sub (including myself) is angry at the current capitalist society of the world right now. I say what we should all do is rise up. I'm talking mass strikes, quitting, boycotting, the whole shabang. Together we can all take these large corporate conglomerates down a peg. So instead of just talking about the issue here. Rise against it all comrades, and then they'll listen. Basically rise up against the capitalist pigs before they suck all of the life and will out of us!!!!

Everyone on this sub (including myself) is angry at the current capitalist society of the world right now. I say what we should all do is rise up. I'm talking mass strikes, quitting, boycotting, the whole shabang. Together we can all take these large corporate conglomerates down a peg. So instead of just talking about the issue here. Rise against it all comrades, and then they'll listen.

Basically rise up against the capitalist pigs before they suck all of the life and will out of us!!!!

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